99 Series Book Cover

Books by Sarah Robichaud

99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before®... GETTING FIT Without Hitting the Gym

There is a health crisis in this country, an epidemic of enormous proportions. Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight worldwide - and at least 300 million are clinically obese.

The lack of time and money are the biggest perceived barriers to living a fit healthy life with the body you always dreamed of having. Our bodies are meant to be in motion, and in this book Sarah Robichaud helps her readers fit fitness seamlessly into their hectic lifestyle without hitting the gym and spending money on gimmicky equipment. EVERY person has the ability to eliminate their own personal barriers to becoming fit and live their healthiest life possible. You will never regret a day you were active.

Sarah Robichaud is thrilled to be part of the revolutionary best selling
99 Series.

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working on the ball cover

Working on the Ball:A Simple Guide to Office Fitness

This no-excuses fitness plan is the first to tackle the challenges of office workers who want to lose weight, get fit, improve posture, and combat stress--without ever leaving the comfort of their desk.

People today are spending more time at work and less time being active, whether by sitting in front of a computer all day or in a car battling grueling traffic--or both! Working on the Ball solves this problem by providing an innovative, playful approach to fitness, no gym shoes or expensive club membership required.

Hour by hour, the authors take readers through a full day of 'active sitting,' using a stability ball as a chair, and provide guidance for making healthy choices in the workplace.

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