Couch Potato Workout - Steven & Chris on CBC

Episode 167

sarah robichaud with chris


Most of us are trying to squeeze more exercise into our daily routines so what could be better than a set of exercises you can do while watching your favourite TV show (Steven and Chris of course!)?

Today, fitness expert, Sarah Robichaud demonstrates a workout made for a couch potato.

1. Couch Squats - Works legs and glutes.

Start with feet in parallel position about hip width apart. Engage core muscles then slowly lower hips until you are almost seated on the couch. Press heels into the ground and engage glute muscles to straighten legs again. Repeat as many times as you can during a commercial or try 12 repetitions.

2. One-Legged Lunge - Targets glutes and legs and improves core stability.

Start with back foot raised on the couch. Bend front knee making sure your knee is tracking over the toe. Again press the heel of the standing leg into the ground to straighten the leg. Repeat at least 12 times per leg.

3. Couch Push-Up - Works on the chest muscles, arms and tone and strengthens core muscles.

Start with two hands on the couch about shoulder width apart. Body is in a strong straight plank position. Maintaining the plank bend the elbows wide to the side and lower the upper body close to the couch. Engage chest muscles and press the hands into the couch to straighten the arms. Repeat at least 12 times.

4. Couch Hip Drops - Targets waist and core.

Begin with one elbow on the couch with the body in a long side plank position with the top leg forward. Lower hip toward the floor then engage from under your hip to lift the core back up to the straight side plank position

Try for 12 repetitions each side

5. Tricep Dips - Targets back of the arms (bingo arm be gone!).

Begin seated on the couch then put your hands on the couch with fingers pointed forward, under your glute muscles. Shift your body forward so your arms are taking the weight of your body. Maintain the upright seated position as you bend the elbows in toward one and other and then straighten them again. Repeat 12 times or as many as you can through an entire commercial.

Cool down with hamstring stretches and by hugging knees into the chest to release low back muscles.